
Monday, March 12, 2012

Meandering on a Monday

Do you talk to your computer? I don’t just mean swear at it when it goes wrong or does something you don’t like. I mean in the ordinary course of events when you are on your own in the room and working on it? OK, perhaps you don’t. Perhaps it’s just me. Forget I went there…

I can hardly believe it myself but I’ve started another blog. A Postcrossing blog. So far I’ve had seven postcrossing cards and a few from friends and fellow bloggers (or should I say friends and friends who are also fellow bloggers). I’ve only managed to put three on the blog so far but I’m hoping to catch up soon. It will be a record of the cards and the countries they’ve come from and the mileage travelled. It’s principally for my own benefit but if anyone wants to pop over to it they can find it here.

Are you a cat person (sorry, Meike, I’m conscious that question might cause you pain at the moment). Have you heard of Maru? I was introduced to the little creature by the blog of Son-in-law-and-friend–who-loves-otters.

I guarantee it will have you rolling in the aisles – or wherever you happen to be. Maru is a born actor (actress?). I foresee a great future for him /her. At least two Oscars!

In a recent post Saz at Fab, Feisty and Fifty asked “A droplet of contentment, a rash of happiness, a storm of joy, a blanket of good fortune or a flush of pleasure. I wonder which state do you yearn for? Moment by moment... “

My response was “I'll settle for contentment (the cup of tea) with a dash of happiness (the milk) and some joy (two sugars) for good measure.”

But I thought to myself what a good question it was, so I’d like to ask you the same thing.


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