
Monday, July 23, 2012

The story of Partner-who-loves-tea and THE Meal…

A brief tale about female logic to create some sympathetic comments – whether for me or my Partner remains to be seen.  Telling you about it was inspired by this picture.

After my first marriage was over I lived alone for a year and then started going out with the person who is now Partner-who-loves-tea.  After we had been going out a few weeks I gave her a key to my flat.  The first time she used it was on a Friday night when I had been working away in Birmingham for the week and she had gone to the flat to prepare me a slap up meal for my return.  Part of the intention was to impress me with her cooking skills.

She stocked up on the very best Marks & Spencers’ ready meals and had them ready to go in the oven on time. Then I managed to mess everything up.  I arrived home early (as I have a habit of doing).  All the M & S containers which should have been hidden in the boot of her car were sitting there on display in the kitchen.   Oops.

Ironically it’s not me who had to forgive her – it was I who had to seek forgiveness for being early…    And I’ve never been allowed to forget it ever since.  That’s twenty six years ago.  Where’s the logic in that I ask?

(I should point out that she had no need to cheat in the first place.  Her cooking skills are pretty good and always have been!  I should also point out that the only reason I dare share this story now is that she is on Merseyside and I am in The Hebrides!  We don't meet up for a few weeks and maybe by then she will have forgotten about it...)


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