
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A real ramble

Tuesday already and I haven't even thought of a blog posting subject, so this really will be a ramble. I'm spending so much of my time in 1874 that it is hard to drag myself back to the present day. I'm working hard on my novel which is set that year so I'm living, eating and breathing Victorian England. Whilst I'm thoroughly enjoying the research and the writing I'm dreading the day when I have to show it to someone and get an opinion. I'm convinced it will be the best seller of 2013 but others may have different ideas on the subject. Seriously, all the fun is in the writing and researching and once that is done I tend to run out of steam (and interest). One consolation in setting the novel in 1874 is that it won't get out of date as my previous efforts at writing have done. So perhaps one of my greast-grandchildren may end up find a publisher for it...

Partner-who-loves-tea is working all the hours God sends (and a few more she's pinched from the devil) expanding her business which is no easy thing in these straightened times. She's seeking accreditation for her training courses (her Centre has just got accreditation from the exams awarding body), enrolled a new lot of students, preparing a new website, taken on admin help, and is panicking about the need to get her tax return in this week. As with the start of any new venture the outgoings are greater than the incomings so Jo has concluded if she's to meet all her bills this month I shall have to sell my body for scientific research and hope they'll give me the money up front.

Ah well, off to buy my lottery ticket before I return to 1874...


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