
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Making do...

My laptop is likely to be in hospital for another 28 days. I'm not a happy bunny. 'Making do' is not something I'm good at.

I have taken Word Verification (or Weird Defecation as I have decided to call it) off those few blogs that I still used it on. I can hardly decipher a single one of the new WVs. Perhaps, as one of my staff once suggested, I really am a robot. However, if you use WV please don't take that as a criticism. Having had so much spam and abusive comments I can sympathise with anyone who uses it. Sadly, I didn't find WV helped reduce the abuse though it does stop some of the spam. In case you are wondering what the WV I created above says, it's 'Silly Robot'. What, you couldn't read it? Is that my fault??

What really annoys me is that complaining to Blogger about abuse by a person with a Blogger account has no effect. She doesn't have a blog so one cannot complain about that by using the top bar (not that her blog would necessarily be abusive anyway) and there is no other way of complaining beyond sending an e-mail to blogger and that never has any result. So Amy, and others, if you are out there today, I really would appreciate it if you would blog off... I am so fed up of you and your racist and ableist comments..

No doubt it was problems with someone who was issuing her abuse that caused Secretly Skint to change the settings on her blog but I wonder if she realises (as Marcheline has pointed out)  that she has now made it only available to invited users and shut all her fans out...  

On to happier things...

There I was, sorting through some old folders on a backed-up drive and I found the scans I did of some of my art work. I've been looking for those for ages. I knew they were on there somewhere.

Here are some people you might (or might not) recognise.

Augustus John

Giovanni Bellini

Charles Bronson (painted in pastels for Partner-who-drinks-tea who can't help licking her lips when his name is mentioned).

Sean Connery

Francisco de Goya

Graham Hill

Käthe Kollwitz

Arthur Miller

Pytor Iliych Tchaikovsky

Have a good week-end and, if you are in the States, enjoy Washington's Birthday – especially if it lets you share a day with your loved ones.


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