
Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Great Conspiracy

Made in Hollywood!

Two conspiracy theorists die and go to heaven. They find themselves standing in front of God.

“Look fellas” said God ”I’ve got to tell you Oswald did in fact shoot Kennedy, the US Air Force never shot down any alien spacecraft, the Apollo missions really did land on the moon and the World Trade Centre towers were taken down by 19 Saudi terrorists.

“See!” said one conspiracy advocate to the other, "I told you it goes all the way to the top."

Aliens attack Israeli Nuclear Plant!

This Blog posting has been covertly sponsored by the Illuminati, that mysterious elite which set up and controls the United States, controls our minds through video games and caused the World Banking Crisis to allow them to control the world through the IMF / Kim Il Jung / Rothschild’s / Israel / Obama who isn’t even American / Wal Mart etc; If you have any mad theories of your own please throw them in at this stage, the madder the better and if there is not the slightest bit of evidence to back them up, this just proves it is a really clever conspiracy.

A typical contribution to this non-debate from Internet Nutters Inc. below;

The Global Power Elite have acquired many names. And some of their organizations are known as “The Bilderberg Group“, ” Council on Foreign Relations“, “Illuminati“, “Skull and Bones” etc.

[From article "20 Things The Illuminati Can Teach You" By Stefan Fobes]

“They know what TV is and does – they introduced it, you know! The goal comes before the TV or any of their other mind control devices, such as video games. Watching all those hours every day and being “awake” are like matter and anti-matter. They cannot be in the same place at the same time.”

Live long, be paranoid and boldly go where no logic has ever ventured!

Illuminati created the US!


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