American military bases surrounding Iran - The US has also invaded the two countries on either side of Iran with disastrous results for those countries and their people and for the US Budget Deficit
The Western Media led its cheerleader Fox New are constantly harping on about “The Iranian Threat” – but this seems another version of Goebbels “Big Lie” technique. The map of the United States military bases surrounding Iran displays a reality which is self evident (especially to Iranians) but the consistent story in the western media is that Iran is threatening the West. In fact no Middle Eastern country (Arab & Iranian) has threatened the West in living memory but since 1914 the West has interfered in the Arab world and Iran / Persia for its own selfish purposes. Not for nothing did Osama Bin Laden, an Arab Nationalist supported and bankrolled by the CIA to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, consistently refer to the “Shame of the Treaty of Sevres.”

The "Shah" of Iran - installed by America and Britain
After World War 1 when the British conquered much of the Middle East, they re-drew much of the boundaries not according to the Ottoman rule or to ethnic lines, but rather according to strategic objectives and various political agreements with France (such as the Sykes-Picot Agreement). As a result, much of the border issues that developed later in the twentieth century, such as between Iraq and Kuwait, between Iran and Iraq, and even between Syria and Turkey, were results of the British and French colonial powers arbitrary drawing of the borders. The inhabitants of the Middle East are still harvesting the poisonous fruits of this betrayal of the original Arab Revoloution to this day.
Iran was invaded by the Allies in World War 2 and partitioned between the Soviets and Britain / America whilst its natural resources were ripped off as the spoils of war. We know that Bush committed several hundred million dollars towards a program creating instability in Iran and that Obama has never renounced the operation. Iran, surrounded by threatening enemies and the daily recipient of dire threats from Israel and the United States, has absolutely no history of aggression: it has started no conflicts in its entire modern era, but naturally enough it becomes concerned about its security when threatened by nuclear-armed states.
Such threats from the United States are not regarded idly by anyone, coming as they do, from a nation occupying two nations of Western and Central Asia, a nation whose invasions have caused upwards of a million deaths and sent at least two million into exile as refugees.

Iran's nuclear programme began under the Shah - Israel's Mossad has engaged in cyber terrorism and assassination of Iranian scientists - with the countries leading the so called "War on Terrorism" firmly looking the other way
As for the other regular source of threats against Iran, Israel, it is a nation which has attacked every neighbour that it has at one time or another. In the last two years alone, it has killed more people in Lebanon and Gaza than the number who perished in 9/11. It is also a secret nuclear power, having broken every rule and international law to obtain and assist in proliferating nuclear weapons. By most estimates Israel has 150/200 nuclear warheads and is bankrolled as its military proxy by the United States to the tune of $3 Bn. a year – money America has to borrow from China?

Mohammed Mosaddeq - Time Magazine cover January 1951
And remember, too, Iran had a democratic government more than half a century ago, that of Mohammed Mosaddeq, but it was overthrown in 1953 and the bloody Shah installed in its place by the very same governments now meddling in Iran, the United States and Britain. Leave the Iranian people to sort out the regime which is oppressing and failing to deliver for its people as they sorted out the American installed Shah who took power from Mohammed Mosaddeq who was removed in a coup on 19 August 1953, organised and carried out by the United States CIA at the request of the British MI6.
So who is running amok in the Middle East? Certainly not Iran.

USS Abraham Lincoln entering the Straits of Hormuz - "Give us your oil!"
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