I've not heard Jon Cruddas MP speak about Europe before and no doubt he will have some interesting perspectives. While Anita Pollack lives in Newham and was the MEP for London South West from 1989 to 1999. She wrote the excellent book "Wreckers or Builders: A History of Labour MEPs 1979 to 1999" which one day I
will try and do justice to in a review.
Yesterday at the UNISON NEC Policy Committee we had a good presentation and debate on Europe. The irony of ironies is that the Prime Minster, David Cameron, for short term political advantage "veto's" (sort of) an agreement on saving the Euro solely to appease his own anti-Europe fanatics. When in fact the actual measures he opposed for Europe are pretty much the same hard line slash and burn budgetary cuts being pursued at home.
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