
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Post Office heroes

Some of the folk behind the counter in my local post office are pleasant and the other is probably OK.  Although, in fairness, she has always been pleasant enough with me she radiates that ‘Don’t mess with me’ attitude which can be rather off-putting and certainly doesn’t encourage chatty conversation.

Contrast that with the wonderful Stornoway Post Office.  I went in there this morning to ask if they were one of the 600 Post Offices that were getting the Olympic Gold Medal stamps in stock the day after each British Gold Medal winner at London 2012.  They weren’t but imagine how the blow was lessened by being told, so pleasantly, that they had contacted another post office to ask if they could have some of their share (answer “No – we need them all”); that they hoped to get them within a few days; and that if I wanted to leave my phone number they would ring me when the stamps came in.   I declined on the basis that it isn’t that urgent and we are regularly in town (I need my fix of Florentines at The Woodlands) I was happy just to pop in and see if they had them.  But such pleasant service.  It makes one’s day to be treated so nicely.  Not just as a customer but as a person and, what’s more, as a person whose needs /wants matter. 

Top marks to Stornoway Post Office – Gold Medal winners in my book.


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