
Friday, August 3, 2012

I keep meaning to…

Do you ever have one of those days where you keep meaning to do one particular job and you are constantly side-tracked?  Eventually you forget about the job entirely and only the next morning when you review your mental or physical list if jobs does it occur to you to begin the thing again.

So it has been with me and blogging recently.  As result my posts have mostly been things that just occurred to me at the last moment rather than the thoughtful, intellectual considered post that I had planned.  At least, I’d planned it in my mind.  In some other world where I am the most erudite and fascinating of bloggers…  Ah well, we can all dream.  And instead you are about to be subjected once again to a random meander through the Isle of Lewis my mind.

Firstly I must mention that there are two Corncrakes in the valley. I mention this for future reference and because, at three in the morning, it seems like the most important thing in the world right now.  One Corncrake is doing its occasional ‘Crex, crex’ from the far side of the valley whilst the other is doing its constant slow rasp in what seems like the croft over the fence.  It isn’t there, of course.  It’s probably about eight crofts away but not only is their sound so elusive it’s also so loud it sounds like it’s much closer than it is.  This rasp has been going on for at least two hours now – you’d think they’d get a sore throat.

Secondly I need to make a note to myself to find our little liquid measure.  

  The micro one. Using GB’s has enabled me to always get the amount of milk right in my cup of tea, something I have totally lost the knack of over the last twenty years.  There was time when I could make a decent cup of tea but now I have rely on Partner-who-loves-tea or Son-who-watches-films.  This little measure has revived my ability.  If ours has gone in one of our acts of de-cluttering (as I suspect it has) I shall have to get another.  The idea for measuring the milk came from GB.

Being with someone like GB for any length of time has the advantage (inter alia) of my picking up many tips on living life in general.  I’m not meaning your deep philosophical concepts like the answer to the meaning of life (which answer is, of course, 42).  I’m referring to things like marking my charger plugs.  I have always marked my equipment and chargers plugs with Tippex – a liquid paper, mistake correcting fluid.  It comes with a little brush and can just about be applied as words on the back of a plug.  In my desk drawer I have half a dozen gold and silver pens that I’ve been given as presents over the years and rarely used.  That’s what GB suggested and loaned me when I needed to mark something the other day.  Now why have I never thought of that? They are so much easier to write with.  Perhaps it’s something to do with them being pens…

Midges can be a real nuisance but so far this holiday the Island has been remarkably free of them.  However, the dreaded clegs were at work this week and Spesh got attacked while gardening.  When seen on Wednesday she had two bites, one of which had made her whole arm swell.  Needless to say it was sore and itchy.  So here is a picture just for her…

 I should point out the original pictures came from the web - 
I don't happen to have a machine gun with me at the moment.

I have so many photos to share with you from the last weeks that I don’t know where to begin.  But here are a couple of random ones that are unlikely to fit comfortably in any other post..

This is the librarian in me coming out - I can't resist photographing mobile libraries.

 Even when they are no longer mobile or a library - I think this one may now be a hen house!

 Following an old Ford Anglia into town.  This is a 1967 105E - the next to last year of that model.

 The Callanish Stones didn't really look like this when we visited them, I'm glad to say.  The sky was damp rather than on fire but I've enjoyed having a play with the pictures.

A lot of fuss about nothing - a bit like this post really..

Have a good weekend.


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