
Friday, November 18, 2011

National Landlord Association meeting on Newham Licence Proposal

in This picture is from Monday's public meeting organised by the National Landlord Association NLA) which was held in Stratford Circus, E15.  Newham Mayor, Sir Robin Wales is responding to a question.

This debate was about Newham Councils proposal to consider licencing all private landlords in the borough. This is in response to concerns about Anti-Social behaviour and overcrowding. Toby Lloyd from Shelter who are backing the scheme also spoke. I missed the beginning of the meeting. It was a little bit lively at times.

You can check out the video of this meeting at the NLA website here and make you own mind up on the arguments. 

I think you can guess my initial views on this proposal but there is a formal consultation process going on at this moment so I will wait until this is completed.


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