Picture of Labour Mayor Candidate Ken Livingston at the Fare Deal rally in Camden on Wednesday. Well done to Ken and the Party team for holding a successful, packed, standing room only rally 7 months before the GLA election. Below is based on some of the tweets I made during the rally.
At Ken's Fare Deal Rally in Camden Centre... Firstly, Steve Turner from Unite attacking the hypocrisy of rich bankers attacking public service pensions. Cost of annual travel card under Boris more than cost of a round the world air ticket... Joel Bodmer, Unison Housing Association young member about to speak at Fare Deal Rally....Joel is a mental health worker whose project has lost funding. Wages low anyway. Cannot afford to travel far to seek new job...
London Assembly member Val Shawcross says get rid of Boris and Brian Coleman on the same day...Ken's video - its the poorest and the middle who are suffering the most from fare increases...
Tessa Jowell "Ken believes in the power of politics to change peoples lives"...Boris wants tax cuts for the 1% while 99% suffer cuts...never just say Boris say TORY Boris Johnson since he will spend the next months pretending not to be a TORY. He is one"...vote for ken because he loves London and our city is hurting"...
Sally Bercow now on stage)... Sally "thanks to Tory cuts...families are being squeezed... Cuts hit those who can least afford it...Tories...ineffective rag bag of ideas...stop Tory Boris Johnson unfair fares in its tracks"...
Tom Watson MP on stage to cheers...Tom shares Private Investigators with Ken, tousles with Peter Mandelson and being unpopular with the Sun...reminds us about Boris infamous his £100k chicken feed 2nd wage. Cue life size chickens that will be collecting money for campaign...stop Boris fake fights with Cameron...at least when Ken fell out with Tony Blair - he meant it
Ken on stage to standing applause. Wishes 5% cut in fares was more. But unlike Tories we will not say anything we can't deliver. At end of his 8 years as mayor bus fares cut 9% real terms and underground only rose 1.4%...don't cap Housing benefit: Cap rents...Boris should declare an interest in his call for top tax cuts. He would have to pay £25k less...First time that young people in England face a worse standard of living than their parents....Build a machine to deliver defeat to Boris and send a message we want a wholly different society.
(picture Dan McCurry)
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