
Monday, April 9, 2012

Vote Joel Bodmer for UNISON London Community Service Group Executive

Guest post by Joel. "I am standing for the Greater London region general seat on the Community Service Group Executive.

I have worked within the community sector for several years, and am currently employed as a mental health support worker for metropolitan support trust.

Within UNISON I am chair of the national young member’s forum, and sit on the national labour link committee, I am also active within the London region and chair of my branch.

Why I’m standing

The Community sector is one of the fastest growing sectors within UNISON and I believe passionately in the need for a strong community voice within the union.

The sector has grown in recent years as greater numbers of roles traditionally carried out by staff directly employed by the NHS and Local authorities have been outsourced to the community sector. This has often resulted in attempts to push down terms and conditions. Likewise, as a result of the coalition government’s programme of cuts, many community organisations are losing funding and are increasingly slashing wages to win contracts.

At this time UNISON as the biggest union representing workers in our sector, needs to be at the forefront of campaigning for decently funded and sustainable services provided by the community sector, and wages and terms and conditions which are decent and fair. We need to show that an alternative to the race to the bottom, so often seen in our sector- is possible and viable.

We need to build our density and organise in the sector, and put pressure on our employers to accept recognition agreements where these are not in place, and allow the same levels of facility time/ release as seen in other sectors providing public services.

Too many organisations within our sector attempt to “mimic” the private sector in terms of labour relations and this is a situation that only looks to get worse. I believe UNISON has a real role to play in campaigning to ensure that the community sector is part and parcel of a quality public sector, rather than a cheap alternative.

If elected I will play an active role within the service group executive, acting as a prominent voice for the London region. I will work closely with community branches within the region as well as those branches that have members in our sector, listening to views and opinions and advocating these at the SGE. I will regularly report back to the regional community service group, and keep members updated of the picture of the service group nationally.

Please vote for

Joel Bodmer (general seat)

Ballot papers will be delivered to your home address on 10 April. Look out for the envelope & please use your vote to elect your SGE Reps for the next 2 years.



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