
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thoughts on a Thursday

Meet Maya the latest member of my family. Well, I’m assuming she must be because she’s joined the family photos on the study wall. Actually she’s a member of Silke’s family of artwork from Savannah in Georgia. If you like this innocent young girl you might want to look at Silke’s artwork for sale on her Etsy site.

It appears I am now officially a spammer! After all the trouble I’ve had with people spamming me and nothing being done to stop them I’m now getting comments rejected because, to quote the sites concerned, ‘Your comment appears to us to be spam’. So what the hell does one do about that? I now can’t leave any comment on the sites concerned – I appear to have been barred! So I’ll have to resort to one of my other identities (the ones I use to really spam with – just kidding) to leave a comment saying I can’t leave comments any more. Are there times when you wonder why you take part in this blogging game at all????

(See my comments below for even more reasons to wonder why one bothers!)

One of the reasons may be that I’m a sucker for memes – the sort where people are asked a set of questions, answer them and then other bloggers do the same on their blogs. But I like to pick and choose the ones I adopt and even then I like to pick out the questions that most interest me. One I came across recently asked, inter alia, 'What is your most favorite sound and what is your least favorite sound?' Apart from the fact that, being pedantic, I don’t think you can have a ‘most favourite’ of anything it set me thinking.

I’m not sure I can pick out one sound that tops them all. Among my favourites from days-gone-by would certainly have been the sound of a zip being unzipped on a pair of girl’s long boots or the silky sound of a slip falling to the floor. Nowadays my mind goes more to the sound of the electric kettle being put on, the Blackbird singing its dawn song, the back door opening to signal the arrival home of Partner-who-loves-tea, the thump of mail or an Amazon parcel landing on the mat, or the ‘bing’ sound as an e-mail lands in my in-box.

My least liked sound, before they died last year, had to be that created when one accidentally stepped on Meek or Samantha’s tail! A screeched Meeooww! Nowadays it is the perpetual noise of one sort or another created by the adjacent nursing home in the middle of the night. The only consolation when they drop a load of dishes in their kitchen is that it stops the hysterical shouting and laughter which seems to be an otherwise necessary part of the staff making breakfast for the residents at five in the morning.

What sounds do you like /abhor? By all means share them as a comment or point us to a blog posting where you pursue the subject!


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