
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nick Appearance Minute: Nick Verreos FIDM San Francisco "Style, Trends & Blog Talk" Event: The Recap!

I Left My Blogging HEART in...San Francisco!

Trend Talk With Nick Verreos: Nick Verreos FIDM San Francisco "Style, Trends, and Blog Talk"

Last weekend, I flew to San Francisco to host a very special "Style, Trends & Blog Talk" Panel Discussion at the wonderful Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising/FIDM San Francisco. This was a great chance to get some fabulous information--as well as get to tour the college, get to see what makes FIDM SF so amazing!

I arrived on Friday--to a GORGEOUS day (I almost thought the pilot had landed in San Diego...there was not a single cloud in the sky!). I enjoyed a nice dinner with an old friend and went right to bed to be ready for the event which was happening the following morning at the FIDM SF campus right in Union Square. I always love returning to the Bay Area since yes kids, I spend my very impressionable high school years there after my family and I moved from Caracas Venezuela.

Look Who's Talking: FIDM SF "Style, Trends & Blog Talk With Nick Verreos"

Saturday morning, I put on my light pink dress shirt and jacket from TopMan, my skinny black jeans, my Gucci boots and of course, topped it all off with my very own custom pocket hankie made out of fabric from my NIKOLAKI line. As I made my way to the College, everyone around me was in shorts and flip flops (SF, 82 degrees Fahrenheit) and yes, I got some major "Why are you so dressed up?" stares but alas, you know I LOVED it!

Foursome Fab: (left to right) Lorraine Sanders, Jeanne Chan, Nick Verreos, and Beth Spotswood, FIDM SF "Style, Trends & Blog Talk" event (Photo Courtesy of Marcellina M. Burch, FIDM SF)

Once at the campus, I was greeted by three of San Francisco's most fab bloggers who would join me on this FIDM SF "Style, Trends and Blog Talk" panel: Lorraine Sanders, founder of SF Indie Fashion and author of StyleBites, Jeanne Chan of, and Beth Spotswood, who writes some really great blogs for

Full House: FIDM SF "Style, Trends & Blog Talk" Event Hosted by Nick Verreos (Photo Courtesy of Marcellina M. Burch, FIDM SF)

We were greeted by a packed room of 150+ students, parents, SF Bay Area bloggers (yep, they were there!) plus even some Project Runway Fans!! (LOVE YOU!). I began the discussion with a PowerPoint presentation on Trends; how Trends begin, where they come from, trends for Spring 2012, etc. There were A LOT of attendees taking notes as I spoke (it was like I was teaching one of my FIDM classes).

 Trend Class: Nick Verreos Talks 80's Influence at FIDM SF "Style, Trends & Blog Talk" event

Then I segued into the panel discussion--and brought my SF Blogger DIVAS into the mix, discussing their backgrounds, how they got started, and the Do's & Dont's of Blogging 101...

SF Bloggers WORK!!! (Photo Courtesy of Marcellina M. Burch, FIDM SF)

At one point of my presentation, I looked over and our three fabulous bloggers/guests were LIVE BLOGGING and TWEETING about being at the event! Soooo 2012 Social Media!!! After an hour+ discussion on everything and anything BLOG, we had a Q & A with the audience, followed by raffle of a signed FIDM bag.

The winner happened to be a guest who had been at the event over an hour early (a big fan of yours truly!). She was SO happy--and I was so happy that she was the winner (how much do you LUV that "I "Heart" Nerdy Boys" t-shirt of hers??? Sooo cute!!). Afterward, I stayed around to take pics and sign things--anything!!!

Below is a photo compilation of some of those pics:

Top Row: Adam Easterday, Nick Verreos, Malaya Malone; Dexie Santiago & Nick Verreos; 
Middle Row: Lanae Roxas & Nick Verreos; Dre Anthony McMurry & Nick Verreos;
Bottom Row: Besan Alkhatib & Nick Verreos; Emilio Ruiz-Vega & Nick Verreos

Thank you to FIDM San Francisco, my three SF Blogger Panel Guests, and everyone who came out on a beautiful SF Saturday and decided to be indoors with us and attend!!! I am most grateful for meeting each and EVERYONE of you!!! Hope you got some great info. and possibly got inspired!!


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