
Friday, April 6, 2012

A Saturday Stumble

HELP! Does any blogger know how to set the order of one’s blogs in one’s profile? My main blog is this one and I want it to be at the top. But as soon as I tick other blogs to have on my profile Rambles disappears somewhere in the middle. It’s not alphabetical order. It’s not the order in which they were created. So when someone follows up my profile by clicking on my name when I comment they see a list of blogs with Words, Project 355, etc. They have no idea which is my main one. I’ve mentioned that Rambles is my main one in the sidebar of my other blogs but who looks in sidebars first? Not I.

All I want is to be able to list my blogs in the order I choose but I have yet to find any way of doing it. The only way I can point people to Rambles is by un-ticking all the others and making it look as if I have only one blog. If you have found an answer to this problem please let me know.

Silke is having another giveaway this week, generous girl, so you might want to pop over to see her at Metamorphosis.  You have until 9 o'clock this evening,  Saturday, April 7 (Eastern Standard Time) to enter.

I occasionally pass on titbits of useless information but today’s may be useful to those living in the UK – it is a warning of sorts. According to the Royal Mint there are 44 million pound coins in circulation – forged ones that is! Some of them are so good that you can’t distinguish them with the naked eye and the weight and sound (when you tap it) is about right. The only one I have consciously come across sounded different when tapped on a metal post. These ‘perfect’ ones do not deceive most machines so the first you tend to know about it is when the parking meter or drinks machine rejects it. I find the figure of 44 million quite astounding and apparently it is worrying the Royal Mint so much they are thinking of changing the coin and calling in all the present ones.

I have my own blog for the postcrossing post cards that I receive but I don’t mention on it the people to whom I send cards.  One young man to whom I have recently sent one deserves a mention. He is Ferenc, an 11 year old boy from The Netherlands. Since April 2005 he has been diagnosed as having Neuroblastoma Child Cancer and is now in Germany for the Antibody therapy. His Mum, Marina, has a website for him – it has a Google translate button for those of us who don’t speak Dutch and the translation is good enough to get the sense of what it says.

Although he has only just joined postcrossing Ferenc’s ambition is to get a post card from every country in the world. If any of my blogging friends would like his address to send him a card I will pass it on to them. (Sadly I can only really make this offer to bloggers who’ve been following me for some time or who are well known to me. It wouldn’t be fair to pass on his address to a complete stranger.) You can contact me via thewillows1a at btinternet dot com.


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