
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Project Runway Season 9 Recaps: My Recap for Episode 7-- "Rhymes with Witch"!!!

Oh The Drama...

The Newest Cast Member of "A-List: New York", Project Runway's Joshua McKinley???

I realize I'm a "little late" with my BLOG Recap posting (well, just 3 days!), you see I've been traveling like a Flight Attendant Who's Rent Is Due: I flew to West Virginia last week to host a FAB Fashion's Night Out and "Project Style" event in West Virginia, and the day after, flew to NYC for some very important business meetings (which I cannot divulge just yet! wink wink!) in addition to attending the Project Runway Season 9 Finale NYC Fashion Week Fashion Show (Recap to follow in an upcoming post, of course!). But I am back home in Los Angeles--and catching up!!! So, let's get right down to business and discuss this last Project Runway Season 9 Episode, "Can't we All Just get Along?"

First Up: Bye Gretchen Jones...

Hello Joshua McKinley. It's Official, we have a new Reality Show Villain in the House!!!
Time to talk about the Orange Elephant In The Room: Contestant/designer Joshua McKinley. This episode was all about him! It seemed the "Joshua McKinley Show" replaced the latest episode of "Project Runway". Drama was the theme of the night--and 99.9 % was conducted by Drama Queen Numero Uno. Joshua really proved himself to be a conniving, bullying, bitchy queen, in this past episode and all the while shamelessly evoking the passing of his dear mother to get "pity points".

He was such a you-know-what, he made Mommie Dearest look a tad likeable! Why he didn't do Logo's atrociously brain-numbingly bad reality show "A-List: New York" (see my lovely graphic/photoshop work above) instead of my beloved little show, is beyond me. He would have been perfect! (maybe he tried out and didn't "make the cut', who knows? Why did he do Project Runway, I wonder? To be America's Next Top Fashion Designer or to be the Poster Child for Passive-Aggressive Bitchy Queens everywhere. I guess only he knows.

My fellow Recap Blogger, Laura Bennett summed it up beautifully in her blog: "Coming this fall to Lifetime, it's "Project Joshua"! Joshua struggles personally and professionally to make his dream of becoming a fashion designer come true! Watch as he develops a pattern of behaving badly toward others, and then insincerely apologizing! Be amazed as he simultaneously plays the bully and the victim! Talks tough and then cries! Curses and then admonishes others for cursing! And most astounding of all, watch as this designer uses the death of his mother to explain away all of his antics! It's tasteless fashion! It's blatant insecurity! It's "Project Joshua"! Viewer discretion is advised." Indeed Miss Laura. Indeed.

Now, let's get to the FASHION:

Red Carpet: Viktor Luna's black and white gown with printed bustier and high side slit was a STUNNER! It didn't win (the judges don't really like gowns as we all know)

The Challenge this week was the "HP and Intel Challenge", in which two teams of five (there were ten remaining designers) had to create a cohesive mini-collection of five pieces in addition to making--and using--a custom print using HP technology. Both teams for some unknown reason made black-and-white prints (next time, there should be a rule to USE COLOR!!!). The No-Drama "Team Chaos"---with Anthony Ryan, Viktor (gown above), Anya, Olivier, and little Bryce--was the winning team naturally. It was the Best Collection. I really liked what contestant Olivier Green did:

Yes, it was GRAY, and I almost back-slapped him for that (can we please see something other than Gray from Mr. Faux British Accent???). But the jacket was excellently tailored making even judge Michael Kors gasp with glee.

Anthony Ryan Auld's look was very good as well. Cute, modern, quirky, very Philip Lim-meets-Jason Wu. It had all the elements of what gets you into Anna Wintour's "Little Black Book".

The Winner was Anya Ayoung-Chee. Yes, Miss Trinidad and Tobago-I-Had-No-Idea-How-To-Sew 4 months ago, well, she is learning and learning quick!! A chic printed high-neck sheath dress with black cap sleeves. Very Nina. Very NYC. And Thank Goodness it wasn't yet ANOTHER one of her long flowy maxi dresses!!!

The Bottom Group (quelle surprise) was the one "headed" by Drama Queen Bi*** Joshua, with Bert, Becky, Kimberly, and called "Team Nuts & Bolts". They never got along, they never worked cohesively together and it showed.

I kind of liked Bert Keeder's design. It fit well and the big print worked with this style of dress. The length was just odd. I'm sure he was trying to be "modern" about it but it just didn't succeed. The booties and especially the bang'ed hairstyle were ON POINT, however.

Miss Drama Queen's Look was a mess. The whole look was a bit on the tacky side, mismatched and dated. The geometric jacket was interesting but that's about it...

It also reminded me of Stephen Sprouse Louis Vuitton collaboration of a few years back. A FEW YEARS BACK, are the operative words here (as well as being a "knock off"!). Listen, let's be honest--right about now, Miss Joshua could do a FAB red carpet gown and I would probably get an icky-poo face because of how miserable of a person I think he is...

But the Worst was Becky Ross' look. You just knew she was going home the minute she landed on the same team as Miss Drama Queen. He's not going (hello, it's Reality TV, they LOVE a Villain!). Her design, well, didn't have much design. It was completely wearable and completely fine. But not in a Design Competition. It was something from a "Limited" Mall Fashion Show. As a result, it was "Bye Bye" for Becky. Becky: Trust me, you are lucky to be GONE from the Drama Queen! Have fun in your "Sequestered Apartment" along with the other cast-off's!!!

As always, here's the Introduction to My Recap of last week's Project Runway Season 9 Episode "Can't We Just Get Along?" from BLOG:

No-Drama Thursdays ... NOT! Last week, "Project Runway" viewers got a "drama reprieve." This week? The Drama Is Back, kids: We got an immediate amuse-bouche of things to come when the opening credits had barely finished and Josh McKinley was spouting things like "The Winning Look from last week's Avant-Garde Challenge should have been MINE!!!" So we knew it was only going to be a matter of time until the nails, gold-hoop earrings and wigs would be a-flying — once again.
Team Mean Girls Part Deux
So what brought the claws back out? Let's begin with the Challenge: As the 10 remaining designers sit with bated breath, their smiles are instantly turned into dropped heads and "Oh no's!" as Heidi announces that they are to be split into two teams of five, with no team leaders. However ... Anthony Ryan (the winner from the previous week's challenge) gets to pick who is on "his" team, and then Heidi gets to "randomly" pick from that bag who would be the other team "Non-Leader." Take a guess who it is? Just one guess … of course, it's Josh "Queen Mean Girls"! Do you think for a hot minute it would be anyone else? HELLLLLLSSSS no! Side note: I don't even think there are actual names on those chips in that bag, but if there were and Olivier's name came up first, even Miss Heidi would quickly throw the chip back in the bag and keep doing it until Josh's name was picked! Just sayin'.
Click HERE to read the rest--and make sure to leave me your thoughts and comments!!!


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