
Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Taid in the Trenches

I was really pleased yesterday to receive this photo from my Auntie Diane in South Wales (via my Auntie Rose in North Wales).  On the back she had written "Taid as a
young man in the Trenches". 

My maternal Taid (Welsh for Grandfather) Frederick Matthews, is sitting on the left of the picture alongside an unknown soldier. The family believe it is from First World War, during which he served in the Royal Naval Division in France and Gallipoli.

There are only two photographs of Taid that have survived from this time, so I assume that the Solider he is sitting with must have been a good friend. They seem very relaxed and comfortable together. I wonder who he was and what happened to him?

She also sent me the original Apprentice Indenture dated 7 February 1910 that my Taid and his father signed with the Uskside Engineering and Rivet Company. Which is an equally fascinating piece of Labour history which I will post upon another time.


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