
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tim Sebastian: "It's about accountability, that is what journalism is for."

Tim Sebastian started his journalist carrer at Reuters in 1974 and it was at Hardtalk that he became known as the human polygraph for he has the skill of showing the interviewer's soul.
Still you will see at this video how unpretentious is his demeanor and the great person he is as you can verify at this a soft talking with him. A true journalist that makes BBC worthwhile.
"I remember a time when people were glue to the TV screens waiting for Tim Sebastian at Hardtalk to appear..."
Yes, I was glued to the TV. Now I wait for Doha Debates.

About Hardtalk Tim Sebastian says: "It was a process of trying to extract something as close to the truth." In his words and he did it.
"The job was to ask questions on behalf of the people who couldn't do that. It is always useful in the media people to remind you who you're doing this for. This isn't some show business exercise."
I like Doha debates and people should try to understand the diversity of the Arabic world instead of having the stereotyped version that they are all terrorists, barbarians, uneducated we have to confess that it took a lot of effort to try not seeing Arabians this way since the mainstream media has bombarded us with proves that they are all so different from us, the civilized. Still some people didn't even start the process of trying to understand the diversity of Islam.
Doha debates is a good place to start.

The videos can be seen here and here there are some great special debates.


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